Wednesday, January 28, 2015

At "Shooters Grill" in Rifle, Colorado, servers carry pistols as they work

Chris Christensen, a rough-hewn cowboy beneath a big brown hat, finished up his M-16 burrito and took a slug of coffee.

Waitresses glided past, balancing trays of bacon and eggs on their shoulders while sleek black pistols bounced on their hips.

"It's inspiring to see them so openly claiming their right to bear arms," Christensen said over breakfast recently. "But around here, really, it's not so strange."

His friend Jose Miranda nodded.

"I wouldn't walk into a place like this in New York City though," he said. "They probably can't shoot straight."

Here at Shooters Grill in aptly named Rifle, diners can order a Guac Nine burger served up by a waitress packing a Glock 9 handgun.


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