Tuesday, January 27, 2015

FOP 7 Chicago Police Retro pay Update 01/27/2015

Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7
January 27, 2015
Retro Update
In an attempt to dispel the rumors, the Contract was approved by the City Council on 5 NOV 14 and signed off by both parties (the Lodge and the Mayor) on 18 NOV 14, thereby completing the ratification process. The 75 day clock began to run on 19 NOV 14, making 2 FEB 15 the final day to pay the retro-activity without penalty.  This process is consistent with past practice.  Although many believed that the checks were to arrive on 26 JAN 15, the City has until 2 FEB 15 to comply with its obligations.

Chicago Lodge 7
Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7

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