Sunday, January 25, 2015

It's like driving shotgun in a car in 1969 - Many great areas of Chicago caught on 8mm film - Chicagoist Weekend Theater: A Trip Through Chicago In 1969

Chicagoist Weekend Theater: 

A Trip Through Chicago In 1969

Let's take you back to 1969, a time when seat belts were optional, the downtown skyline was only beginning to resemble the towering international wonder it is today and the Cubs would break the hearts of their fan base. (Some things never change.)
This is a trip to and through Chicago, filmed with a Super 8 camera. Starting in Indiana, the filmmakers capture iconic city images like the Magikist sign, old C&NW trains, a colorful downtown and green and white "L" cars. The progress and development in the succeeding 45 years is even more astounding once you watch this.

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