Monday, January 26, 2015

FROM SECOND CITY COP.... the 19 Ward Connections..... Hello Ald Matt O'Shea.... it's the CHICAGO WAY

Interesting Connections

This is the stuff that the media (aside from Kass) won't cover. This is the information that the feds need to connect dot #1 to dot #2 to dot #3 to Shortshanks himself:
  • Amazed that it took so long. The whole gang of them - Ginger, Hynes, Meany, Mike Sheahan, Skinny, Jeremiah, Kevin and Michael Joyce, Matt O'Shea. They are crooks and rats. Anyone sticking up for them is a sucker or a hack. They have done nothing to help Mt. Greenwood but just sit back and watch it get destroyed.

    To the idiot who said Ginger isn't Irish, you must think we are fools.

    Yes, she is... Rugai is an Italian name and her married name. Her husband, Ado Rugai, is a double dipper, States Attorney's office and CTA.

    She attended St. Sabina with Jeremiah Joyce and worked for him as his legislative aide in Springfield.

    Skinny and Mike Sheahan are brothers and Matt O'Shea is married to their niece, Cara.

    Matt O'Shea employs Marty Walsh, who is a cousin to the Joyces.

    The Careys, as we all know, are married into the Joyces - Marsie Carey Joyce is the wife to Jeremiah and her sister is Eileen Carey, former superintendent of streets and sanitation.

    This is insidious and gross.

    Of course, Ginger passed money -- it has been going on for YEARS.

    Each and every tavern owner on Western Avenue can attest to that -- the pay outs were made to both the ward and the commander.
This is the yellow brick road ladies and gents. We'd be surprised if each and every aldercreature didn't have a background similar to this.

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