Sunday, January 25, 2015

Monica Sanchez, 32, fatally runs over 83 year old couple (Oscar and Vernetta Lang) as they exited St. Louis Catholic 13207 County Road G, Caledonia, Wisconsin - the elderly couple were thrown over 75 up in the air and landed over 100 feet from where they were struck

The Rev. Mark Danczyk said Sunday he will never forget the sight of four empty shoes strewn along the side of the road near his Caledonia church after two longtime parishioners were killed.

"Those four empty shoes," Danczyk said after an emotional 9:30 a.m. Sunday service at St. Louis Catholic Church.

Vernetta and Oscar Lang, both 83, had just attended an evening Mass and were walking to their car about 5:45 p.m. Saturday when they were hit by a sport utility vehicle.

"We heard a thunk and then three girls screamed," Danczyk said. He rushed to the Langs' side and anointed them, first Vernetta and then Oscar.

Danczyk wept the next morning as he stood in the back of the church recalling the tragedy. The priest's shoulders slumped, and he started to sob. Four women, who had stopped to greet him, threw their arms around him.

The SUV, driven by Monica Sanchez, 32, of Racine, had been traveling east on Highway G, where the speed limit is 45 mph. Vernetta was thrown 50 feet by the impact and Oscar about 150 feet.

Early reports indicated that Sanchez, who was traveling with two young children, would not be ticketed.

The church's parking lot is too small for the number of people who regularly attend to be able to park all of the cars. A second parking lot west of church is farther from the entrance than some people want to walk, so many park across the street on the road. The area is lighted with floodlights, but there are no flashing signs or designated crosswalk.

Danczyk said he was not aware of any other accidents there in his 14 years as pastor.

He said he prepared a homily but was too emotional to deliver it at the morning Masses.

"My brain is mush," he told those who had come to the 9:30 a.m. Mass. A diabetic, he said later he had been up all night throwing up.

Danczyk described the Langs as "salt of earth." Oscar had been a truck driver and volunteered to help paint at the church. Vernetta often baked for parish functions. They both helped at fundraisers.

"You could just tell that they were very much in love," the priest said. "They often held hands as they left church."

The Langs were holding hands when Danczyk watched them leave the church on Saturday evening.

"Vernetta said to me, 'Father, you're going to be cold standing out here,'" he said. "She said, 'You take care of yourself, Father.' I told her, 'You, too, Vernetta.' A minute and a half later ... "

Bernie Strueder, a trustee of the church, said he worked for years to get legislators to lower the speed limit in front of the church from 55 mph to 45. The church no longer has a school, but there is a day care in the building, to say nothing of the dozens who cross the street there each weekend on their way to and from church.

"Maybe this will convince them that they need to do more," he said.

Strueder flew the flag at half-staff on Sunday in memory of the Langs.

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