Monday, January 19, 2015

Body of Missing Man, John Michael Cunningham Jr. (27) found in Palos - 12700 block Misty Harbor Lane

A man's body found in Palos Township on Sunday by youths playing hockey may be that of a man missing since October, according to a private investigator hired by the man's family.

The body was discovered about 4:30 p.m. in the 12700 block Misty Harbor Lane, according to Cook County Sheriff's spokeswoman Cara Smith and Palos Park Police Chief Joe Miller. The body was found near a retention pond, Miller said.

"A body was found yesterday and we have to wait for an autopsy to be conducted to confirm an identity as well as the cause and manner of death," Smith said Monday. Autopsy results from the Cook County medical examiner's office may not be available at least until Tuesday, she said.


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