Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chicago Colored Alderman Walter Burnett’s Story Downplays Role in Armed Robbery - Hell, I be black... a course I have been arrested!

A future Chicago alderman was far more involved than he’s publicly claimed in an armed robbery that landed him in prison, according to a never-before-released police report obtained by RebelPundit.
Walter Burnett, Jr., is currently alderman of the 27th Ward in Chicago, but in 1981 he was a seventeen-year-old teenager who was arrested for his role in an armed bank robbery. He was sentenced to six years in prison and released after serving two years and three months in prison.
According to a never-before-seen police report, Burnett’s role was far more involved.
Burnett entered the Momence Federal Savings and Loan Bank with two other individuals, whose names were blacked out in a copy Rebel Pundit acquired, and one of the men was carrying a semi-automatic pistol.
“Cash money was removed from several of the teller drawers while the man with the gun poked it to the side of a female employee.”

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