Friday, January 16, 2015

Chicago Rahm Emanuel pandering to the black voters with of course our tax dollars - Emanuel promises to achieve "closure" for Burge torture victims

The U.S. Department of Justice, under a black U.S. Attorney General and a Black U.S. President, spent tens of millions of dollars investigating these so called "BURGE TORTURE CASES" and could not prove that even one of these alleged torture allegations was true.... 
But Mayor Rahm Emanuel now promises FREE MONEY & CLOSURE for something that has NO FACTUAL BASIS. 

Mayor Rahm Emanuel vowed Friday to find a way to achieve “closure” for victims with complaints of torture by convicted Area 2 Commander Jon Burge and his cohorts, but made no specific financial commitment.

Darrell Cannon, Mark Clements and other torture victims have put a steep price tag on closure that goes far beyond the mayor’s public apology.

They’re demanding that Emanuel pressure the City Council to approve a stalled ordinance creating a $20 million reparations fund and threatening political retribution against the mayor if he doesn’t.

On Friday, Emanuel once again refused to commit to a specific dollar amount. But, he made it clear that some form of compensation is in the works.

“This was not on my watch, but it was on the city’s watch. I personally apologized to the individuals and their families on behalf of the entire city. I want to see the chapter closed for the city. Jon Burge scars the reputation of the good men and women in the Police Department,” the mayor told reporters after a ribbon-cutting ceremony at O’Hare Airport.

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