Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7 - President Angleo Issues Press Release - The decision of outgoing Governor Quinn to commute the sentence of Howard Morgan who was convicted of shooting three on-duty Chicago Police Officers has angered and disappointed our Membership

Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7
January 13, 2015
President Angleo Issues Press Release
The decision of outgoing Governor Quinn to commute the sentence of Howard Morgan who was convicted of shooting three on-duty Chicago Police Officers has angered and disappointed our Membership. To have made an 11th hour decision of this nature is truly a slap to the faces of those very Officers who were wounded that night in 2005; as well as to the faces of everyone in the Law Enforcement community. This individual made a calculated and conscious choice to commit an act of violence against our Officers by firing 17 rounds at them.
The contact began as a minor traffic stop because the offender was driving the wrong way on a one way street. This incident was another perfect example of how those in Law Enforcement risk their lives each and every tour of duty; and also how a routine encounter can turn into a tragedy without any provocation or warning. As others in the Law Enforcement community have already stated, the women and men of the Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Lodge 7 are taken aback by such a complete and utter disregard of the violent actions that an attempted murderer committed against the very persons who are the front line of protection for the people of this City. To say that we are disturbed is an understatement of the uppermost proportion.
Dean C. Angelo, Sr.
Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7

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