Friday, January 16, 2015

Gabrielle R. "Tits" Marshall, 18, accused of swinging baby around by bib - People are SHOCKED, who would of thought a breeding welfare mother would ever use a bib on her child!

A colored woman with a shaky past and chest who couldn't undo the knot on her infant daughter's bib pulled the girl up by the bib and swung her around as the child gasped for air, prosecutors at Cook County Central Bond Court said Thursday.

Gabrielle R. Marshall, 18, was charged with aggravated battery to a child younger than 13, a Class 3 felony.

"You need some help," said Judge Adam Bourgeois Jr. as he ordered Marshall held on $250,000 bond.

According to prosecutors, the attack happened in early December at the family's South Side home. Marshall had become frustrated with the child's crying and, thinking the girl was hungry, double-knotted a bib around the baby's neck. At some point the girl, who is less than a year old, began tugging at the bib. Marshall attempted to remove the child's bib, but couldn't get a knot undone, according to prosecutors.

That's when Marshall pulled the child up by the bib strings out of her high chair until the baby was dangling in the air, then shook the baby from side to side, cutting off her air, prosecutors said.

The baby was taken to a hospital with lesions on her neck, a raspy voice and a hemorrhaging eye, prosecutors said. She has been removed from Marshall's custody.

Marshall, of the 6100 block of South Rockwell Street, was arrested Monday. She will need to post $25,000 to get out of jail pending resolution of her case.

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