Monday, January 19, 2015

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#BlackBrunch is growing. White diners harassed in NYC, STL, Oakland, and Chicago

Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2 Press Release for Mayoral Endorsement of Rahm Emanuel 

Chicago Fire Fighters Union, Local No. 2
440 West 43rd Street
Chicago, Illinois 60609
(773)536-0405 x202 office         (773)536-8117 fax
To:               All Media Outlets
From:           Thomas E. Ryan, Jr., President
                    Chicago Fire Fighters Union, Local No. 2
RE:               Chicago Mayoral Endorsement
Date:           Friday, January 16, 2015
On Friday, January 16th 2015, the Chicago Firefighters Union Local 2 endorsed Rahm Emanuel in his reelection bid for Mayor of the City of Chicago.  The fact that Mayor Emanuel stuck to his word and negotiated a fair resolution to our latest contract weighed heavily in our decision.
Other difficult issues currently loom for Chicago’s Firefighters and Paramedics, including pension funding and healthcare for retirees.  And, we have been given assurances by Mayor Emanuel’s team that he will work with us in good faith to find solutions to these pending difficult issues facing our members.
As for the endorsement announced recently of another candidate by the group calling themselves the “EMS PAC Fund (EMS Professionals for a Safer Tomorrow, Inc.)”, that decision was made without the knowledge or input of Local 2.  While anyone is free to support their candidate of choice, when one belongs to our organization there are rules concerning the endorsement of political candidates that must be followed.  The EMS PAC Fund circumvented those rules and disregarded the opinions of other Chicago Paramedic and Firefighter members who have voiced their extreme anger of that endorsement.
Local 2 understands that there are no easy answers to the problems we are facing in the coming days.  And, with this action, we will continue to work with the City in order to find fair and practical solutions to all the fiscal and operational issues facing us.

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